Home Espresso Tips

Follow these tips to get the best out of our Orgazmik Coffee blends right in your own home!

Espresso Extraction

Aim for a slow pour with a thick, viscous liquid.

Fresh is Best

Only use the freshest beans and grind to order.

Adjust the Grind

Make small adjustments to control the extraction rate.  If too fast then ground finer, if too slow then ground coarser.

Dosage Check

Fill handle with grounds to 1mm above rim of shower foil.  Knock handle to settle grounds and level to rim with finger or doser cover.

Tamp & Twist

Tamp down (applying 15kg of pressure), tap side of handle to dislodge any grounds, tamp & twist to complete polish.

Slow Extraction

60ml should take approx 28 secs and look like flowing caramel.  Ensure liquid is thick and viscous. Cut off before streams pale or twist. A reddish-brown ‘crema’ should settle on top.

*Too quick = watery, sour taste;  Too slow = bitter taste.

Clean sediments – To avoid your next cup being tainted.

Milk Texturing

Aim for smooth, glossy milk with barely visible bubbles.

Select Jug

Only half full jug so use the right size needed and keep residual milk to a bare minimum.

Warm & Thicken

Hold steam wand just below surface and tilt jug to swirl milk.  Turn on pressure and gently lower jug until volume of milk required is reached.

60°C Limit

Drop wand into milk if desired temperature has not been reached. Turn off steam before milk reaches 60°C. Temperature will continue to rise no hotter than 70°C.

Remove Large Bubbles

Give the jug a heavy knock if any large bubbles have formed. Swirl to reveal glossy colour and skim off any other large bubbles.

Control the Pour

Use heavily textured milk first, then pour your flat whites etc. with the lightly textured milk.  Keep the milk well blended by swirling when not pouring.

Blue Top Milk

Produces best results.

Trim Milk

Will froth quickly then collapse so make in smaller quantities.

Soy Milk

Heats quickly due to high sugar content so adjust steam control.

*We recommend using a milk jug thermometer for accuracy and consistency.